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JBD Library Work-Study: Clocking in/out

This guide is meant to refresh student workers on the policies and procedures in place for Work Study at the James B. Duke Memorial Library.

Clocking in/out

How to Clock In and Out

Note: You MUST complete all steps to properly clock in and out of your shift. If you forget to clock in or out, please notify Nichole immediately to get the problem fixed. If there is an issue accessing ADP or LibStaffer, please notify Nichole immediately.

To Clock In:

Step 1: Go to the secondary front desk computer to clock in

Step 2: Log in to LibStaffer using your LibApps account login.

Step 3: Clock in using the "Clock in" function in LibStaffer

Step 4: In another tab, login to ADP

Step 5: Clock in using the "Clock in" function in ADP

To Clock Out:

Step 1: Log in to LibStaffer at the end of your shift 

Step 2: Clock out using the "Clock out" function in LibStaffer

Step 3: In another tab, login to ADP

Step 4: Clock out using the "Clock out" function in ADP


***Please note that it is REQUIRED that you use a library computer to clock in and out. You will be unable to do so from your phone or laptop.***

Late Policy


You are allotted a five-minute grace period for your shifts. However, if you are arriving later than five minutes after your shift is set to begin, you MUST notify both the front desk as well as Nichole. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action as follows:

1 - Verbal Warning

2- Written Warning

3 - Meeting with Supervisor

4 - Meeting with Director of Work Study


Giving Up Shifts


In order to give up a shift, you must follow the steps below:

1 - Contact Nichole to let her know that you will need to miss the shift. You MUST provide a reason as to why.

2 - Get the shift swap approved by Nichole.

3 - Log into the LibStaffer Website and find the shift you desire to give up on the homepage.

4 - Click on the "Give Up" button next to the shift. The shift will then appear in the "Available Shifts" tab.

5 - Wait for another student worker to pick up the shift.

6 - Once the shift has been picked up, there are no further steps to take. 

*** Your shift MUST be picked up by another student worker in order to miss it. Furthermore, you MUST alert Nichole at least 24 hours before the shift in order to allow proper time to rearrange the schedule. If you do not follow these steps properly, it will result in disciplinary action.***

No Call/No Show Policy


A no call/no show incident is described as follows:

Any incident in which an employee does not attend their shift and does not give proper warning BEFORE the beginning of said shift.

No call/no shows will not be tolerated. We rely on your attendance to run the library, and need to know that you are reliable and communicative. Should you fail to attend a shift without giving us proper notification, this will result in a no call/no show and will lead to disciplinary action as follows:

1 - Written Warning

2 - Meeting with Supervisor

3 - Meeting with Director of Work Study (Termination)


***Should you miss the shift because of an emergency in which you were unable to contact someone, please let Nichole know as soon as you have the ability to contact the library. ***

Giving Up Shifts v. Dropping Shifts


Giving Up a Shift: Giving up a shift is the process required for instances outside of illness or an emergency. These instances include but are not limited to: extracurricular meetings, meetings with professors, attending sports events, etc. When giving up a shift, you MUST find someone to cover your shift before missing the shift. If someone does not cover your shift, you are still required to attend the shift.

Dropping a Shift: Dropping a shift is only allowable within 24 hours of the shift and is to be used for emergency purposes only. When dropping a shift, you are not required to find someone to cover your shift. Abuse of this option will lead to disciplinary action. 

Drop Shift Policy


 A drop shift is defined as following:

Any shift that an employee drops on LibStaffer. These shifts do not include giving up a shift, which calls for another student to take the shift. 

Drop shifts are only to be used for extenuating circumstances. These include illness and emergencies. Please do not drop a shift for anything that is not urgent. 

Dropping a shift in LibStaffer allows you to remove yourself from the shift without requiring that you find another student worker to cover you. If you need to drop a shift, you must follow the steps below:

1 - Contact Nichole to let them know that you will be dropping a shift. You MUST provide a reason for doing so.

2 - Get drop shift approved by Nichole

3 - Log into the LibStaffer website

4 - Find the shift you need to drop on the homepage and click the "Drop" button next to the shift. 

After completing these steps, you are allowed to miss the shift without needing to find another student worker to cover your shift. Failure to follow the correct instructions for dropping a shift will result in disciplinary action.