Answering a Phone call
In a courteous tone say the following:
Johnson C. Smith Library, this is _________ speaking. How may I help/assist you?
James B. Duke Memorial Library, this is _______ speaking. How may I help/assist you?
Putting a Caller on Hold
If a question is asked that you do not know the answer to, ask the caller if it’s okay for you to put them on hold momentarily. This is so you can get an answer for the caller or find someone who is better able to assist them.
After informing the caller that you are going to put them on hold press the RED button, put the phone back on the stand and make the necessary inquiry.
To return to the call, pick up the phone and press the button on the left with the flashing yellow light.
Proceed to responding to the caller’s question or directing the call accordingly.
Transferring a Call
To transfer the call press the button with the “arrow and people” then press the extension (4 digits)
When transferring a call, ask the caller to please hold while you transfer their call to _____ (state the name of the person) at extension ______.
State the name of the person and their extension so that in the event the caller gets disconnected or does not get an answer after you’ve transferred the call they will be able to call the person back at another time.